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Author: alittlepieceofoz

Decline of the West: When a Warning Becomes the Enemy Playbook!

Sometimes a WARNING of imminent danger can backfire and become the very playbook of the enemy. What did Oswald Spengler predict in his famous work “The Decline of the West: Perspectives of World-History” and how did the enemy use it as a manifesto and outright playbook? What does it have to do with all this chaos a century later? How are you the effect of it whether you like it or not? All this and more in this pivotal, mind-blowing yet revealing episode. Tune in now and get the dirt on what Tavistock made asinto their stock and trade!

Who Invented Banner Headlines and How Did They Make Us Want War?

Following up from episode 3, Teresa and Frank take up the Harmsworth brothers, newspaper magnates, lords, inventors of sensationalist banner headlines and influencers of the war, tied into Tavistock Institute. Learn the secrets to how they managed it and what this has to do with the media you experience today. Get the REAL scoop on what scoops have changed the opinions of masses and brought us to war time and again. Listen in how!

What 1913 Institution Sparked World War and Changed the World?

Join Teresa and Frank for this compelling episode about an institute that was formed in 1913 for the express purpose of “selling” war to the populace, changing forever the freedoms of all. Far beyond conspiracy, this is something that used propaganda (later labeled “public relations”) to change public view of war from something abhorred to the “right thing to do” for the good of all. Listen in and learn all about where it all started!

What Happened to Dorothy’s Problem After She Woke Up?

Called “Pilot #2” by Frank, join Frank and Teresa as they discuss what the Oz metaphor is really about, why it is so significant and why you can use it to decode nearly any sector of society and understand it first hand. Wake up to the fact that when Dorothy awoke, the mean old lady was still going to come back for Toto and put him down. What would Dorothy have done with her newfound knowledge and life lessons? Tune in now for this compelling and enlightening tale and episode that just may save your bacon one day!!!

Pilot: Nobody’s Crazy In the Presence of Truth, Teresa, Frank Talk About the Show

Teresa Reile is a columnist and investigative journalist with a newspaper that forwards truth to elevate artists to lead society into a new renaissance, while Frank Sardella is a writer, wellness advocate, and podcast producer and host. Both are artists in the fullest sense. Both feel there’s a lot more to be said about what’s really goin’ on out there. And they’re here to tell it like it really is! Tune in for this epic pilot episode that will set the tempo for future episodes!